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How trucking companies can work to prevent semi-truck wrecks

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2025 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

The vast majority of motor vehicle collisions occur because of mistakes made by motorists. Decisions such as exceeding the speed limit or choosing to forgo the use of a turn signal could be to blame for a major wreck. That is true in a semi-truck collision scenario as well as in cases involving two passenger vehicles that collide.

Despite having many hours of driving experience and specialized training, commercial drivers may make mistakes at the wheel that result in wrecks happening. Still, when looking at the actual cause of collisions involving commercial trucks, it becomes clear that not all of the crashes are because of something a driver does or fails to do.

Approximately one in 10 commercial vehicle collisions occur because of an issue with the vehicle. In such cases, the transportation company that employs the driver and owns the fleet vehicle involved in the class could be liable for the incident. In many cases, transportation companies are in a position to prevent those collisions.

How can trucking companies reduce the likelihood or severity of collisions between semi-trucks and passenger vehicles?

Through assertive maintenance practices

When transportation companies are assertive about keeping their fleet vehicles in good condition, they don’t fail at critical moments. Many crashes occur because of tire blowouts or brake failures. Ensuring that trucks receive regular inspections and repairs as necessary to keep them in ideal operating condition.

Through investing in appropriate guards

Federal safety rules require the installation of rear underride guards. However, the law does not require the most effective devices. Many transportation companies simply install the cheapest guards they can to remain compliant with the law instead of prioritizing safety by investing in stronger, wider rear underride guards. They may also choose not to install side underride guards, which can prevent fatal collisions.

Through clear client contracts

Sometimes, the issue with the semi-truck does not relate to a lack of guards or maintenance but rather an improperly loaded trailer. Transportation companies may need to include language in their contracts with clients. The driver needs to know if a load may contain liquids or other unstable items. Ensuring that clients carefully load trailers to balance the weight can also be important for the prevention of rollovers and similar collisions.

Connecting the circumstances of a semi-truck crash to inappropriate transportation company practices can help people seek compensation for their losses. In scenarios where a transportation company contributed to the causes of a wreck, the parties affected by the crash may want to explore their options, which may include a personal injury lawsuit in addition to an insurance claim.